Paint with a Phone…
It cost me four years of solitary research the effort to follow my singular idea of dematerialized the physical object known from all of you as the framework.
It may be quite simple but now that it’s done, you can see a paint into a live Tuitt, for the first time in your life. All was realized by using just a normal smartphone, the trick is know how to using it as a virtual brush.
I hope that some HighTech Company in the Mobility arena or a Media Company that could be interested in my research.
Am a freelancer — painter — inventor — blogger, in search of opportunities to show my new art ideas at the world.
This following is another example of my new art approach, this is a Video painted handmade. A Video clip painted from me as a canvas, with the same old gesture used once upon the time by the painters to make frameworks. So wake up to welcome the new Transformation era.
This is also for Matteo Renzi who goes in the USA to find some new Idea forgotten to read my numerous emails about this new Italian Digital Renaissance in Art.
Hoping you turn curious to know more, you can find here on the next page, other stories, on my research. And a direct way to contact me by chat.